Straight Pool Rules

Players score one point for each pocketed ball. First player to reach the point goal wins. When the 14th ball of the rack is pocketed, the 14 balls are re-racked, leaving the 15th ball in position on the table.


Fifteen balls in a triangle in no particular order. Fourteen balls on re-racks with the foot spot empty.


At least two object balls and the cue ball must hit a rail or make a called shot. Failure to do so is a breaking violation and incurs a 2 point penalty. On a breaking violation, the opponent can take the table in position or have the shooter re-break.

Valid Shot

Must pocket a called shot to continue at the table.


One point for each ball legally pocketed.

Extra Balls

Balls pocketed in addition to the called shot count for the shooter.

Spotting Balls

All balls pocketed on a foul shot and balls off the table are spotted.

Penalty for Fouls

All balls pocketed on a foul shot are spotted. In addition, the fouler loses one point. Scratch or cue ball off table is ball-in-hand behind the headstring.

Three Foul Penalty

Three consecutive fouls is a 15 point penalty. The balls are then racked and the fouler must break with the same requirements as the start of the game.

Called Safety

Players may explicitly call a safety. On a called safety, pocketed balls are spotted and the turn changes.

15th Ball Position

The 15th ball and cue ball positions are normally left as is for re-racks except in situations such as interfering with the rack. The following table details these situations:


Cue in Rack

Cue on head spot

Other cue locations

15th ball in rack



15th: foot spot

Cue: behind headstring


15th: center spot

Cue: in position


15th: head spot

Cue: in position


15th ball pocketed


15th: foot spot

Cue: behind headstring


15th: foot spot

Cue: in position


15th: foot spot

Cue: in position


15th ball behind headstring


15th: in position

Cue: head spot


15th: in position

Cue: in position


15th: in position

Cue: in position


15th ball on head spot


15th: in position

Cue: center spot


Not possible



15th: in position

Cue: in position


Other 15th ball locations


15th: in position

Cue: center spot


15th: in position

Cue: in position


15th: in position

Cue: in position



The idea is to string runs of racks together. Leave a shot on the last ball that will allow pocketing the last ball and breaking the rack apart with the cue ball. The most common place to leave the last ball is to the side or underneath the rack.

Try to clear balls in front of pockets first. Look for opportunities to break clusters apart. Having an alternate shot to shoot if you get out of line can keep a run going. If you don’t have a good shot play safe and leave your opponent a difficult situation. Don’t ever give your opponent an easy shot, it could turn into a big run.

Examine the rack for shot opportunities. Many combos, caroms and billiards can be played with balls clustered in a partially broken rack.