The raffle for the US Open 9-Ball event was held after the final match. All entries into the US Open, and US Open handicapped tournaments received raffle tickets. Additional raffle tickets were also sold through the vponline store. Here are the results:
VP4 tshirts - IMAJICA, Albinario, Allergies
Virtual Cues Sticks:
Tiger Classic TC4 Cobra
The Cathederal drtys
Zig Zag Multi-Point ItsME
Tick Tock PoTmAn
Grand prize Tiger TC-2 cue stick went to drtys
Thanks to everyone who participated in the raffle.
June 12, 2016
1 Response to US Open Raffle Results
Your pool is very good, I play 8 ball. But I dont like 2 occult rules:
cue in kitchen and
rail not hit.
In real situation, using these rules will cause trouble - they are not used.
I have played pool over all places and Norwegian Seamans Missions.
You can down them, right?